When thinking about time, I decided to look at places and the effect time has on them. I then decided to look at somewhere familiar to me, so I chose Chingford, where I grew up. I felt it would be interesting to look into the history of Chingford, to see how it has progressed over time and how much of an effect time really has had on Chingford of the Past/Present. I came across a section of a film posted on a page called 'Old Chingford', on Facebook.
The film was aired several years ago on BBC 2, looking into the history of Chingford. The film, called 'Chingford- Three Decades of Archive Film (50s,60s and 70s), looked at Chingford around that era. The film itself showed the progression of Chingford, for example the use of Steam Trains up until 1960 and a long establishing shot of the streets of Chingford. I found this particularly nostalgic because I recognised a lot of the locations, even though the footage was filmed so many years ago.
Throughout the film, I was shocked to see how different some of the locations were. However, a lot for me were recognisable, and events such as Remembrance Sunday appear to be a very big event in Chingford in 1958, similar to today, where the event is still a very important day to the older and younger generation.
The town that I was brought up in now seems so different to the way in which I had looked at it previously. The documentary style film made Chingford seem a very important part of London, which hosted several historic events. The documentary was very informative and really gave me a more in depth look at Chingford. The Documentary also showed me how time has such a big effect on places. Several landmarks had been knocked down and some parts of Chingford were somewhat unrecognisable to me, which I found quite saddening. Overall, the film was particularly useful in helping me think about time, and what effect it can truly have.
A still from the film.
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