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Friday, 14 November 2014

Studio Shoot 7- Camera workshop/Set build 1

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Today we learnt about how to use the new Sony EX3, a high end camcorder that will give us a professional end result. The greatest feature about the EX3 is that it allows you to take the lens off and attach another, allowing us to use a variation of lenses available to us to get the best result. Another cool feature is the Slow mo/Speed up option, where we can make footage slow down or speed up, straight from the camera, however it was recommended not to do so. That tool may have been useful for the wall-breaking scene, however Nick will be able to slow the footage down in post.

We also learnt how to use the Atomos 'Samurai Blade', an external monitor and recorder that has two outputs, allowing you to plug the EX3 into it via an SDI cable, which gives you a video and audio output. The greatest feature about the Samurai Blade is the record feature, allowing more people to see the shot and make sure the framing is okay, as the screen on the EX3 is quite small, so it makes it much easier to work out whats in the scene. As cameraman, I enjoyed using the EX3 and Samurai Blade, and found them pretty straightforward to use.

As for the set built, due to Group A stripping down the walls and beginning to work on the aesthetics of there set, it meant that we had to work with what we had, so we decided to go through the bags of books we got that were kindly donated by a local charity shop and rip up the books for the pages, to cover the walls for our set. We saved some older looking books for actual props to be stacked on top of each other. Overall I feel the day was very productive and we have moved one step forward in finalising our set.

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