During today's set built I once again helped wallpaper the walls and put the finishing touches to the hole i.e. put the bricks in place. We began the day by detaching the 2 side pieces to our set and attaching the 3 flats to the back of Group A's hallway set. This was tricky as we all had to work together to move the connected flats over a couple of meter's to Group A's set, however we did this successfully as a team and Nick attached our flats to their set. This for me was exciting as the aesthetics of the set were starting to come together.
Nick bolting the flats together.
Me, Nick, Sahir, Leanna and Chloe got busy wallpapering the other set's walls, which took a good few hours of tiring work. From the leftover teabags from Group A, we decided to use them to make the paper look old as a lot of the sheets were white and new looking, however we want the jail to look dull and dark, so tea-bagging the wall made the set look a lot more interesting. We used a fan to help the paper dry quicker. We did a wall breakout test, including myself breaking through the wall to see what it would look like.
I then helped Laura put down black carpet for when he breaks out into the virtual world. The carpets were quite large, meaning we had to overlap them. I hoovered the carpets also due to the amount of mess on them from previous use. After we did this we put the televisions in place, turned them on to double check they all worked (One eventually not working) and eventually tested lighting of the virtual world and television's. This was quite a long process as Tori and Sahir wanted the best result. After several attempts, the right lighting was finally achieved.
We then moved the mattress that Laura kindly brought in and moved the books and table around to allow us to test the lighting for the Prison set. Nick was the test subject to make sure the placement of the props was correct and to get an idea of what Ray would look like within the set.
After this was done, I went on a search for some cardboard to cover the whole, however it was suggested to us to use cartridge paper as it is durable enough to stand and won't be too hard to rip, like carboard would be. After this Chloe and Sahir cut the sheets of cartridge paper to size and covered the bricks with it. We decided to wallpaper the hole in the morning. Overall today was very busy and I felt that I contributed a lot to the set, which overall i'm very happy with.
Panoramic picture of the almost finished set.
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