Lucy- Interesting piece, good use of sound and video to tell a story. Interesting use of Geo-Tagging, something I havent looked at so much myself
Charlie- Good narrative that was supported by an interesting use of photographs. Could've made it seem more post-apocalyptic, through the imagery.
Tom- Professional-looking piece with good use of visuals (Shots of rubbish) and a strong message behind it.
Lauren- Photography with cartoon incorporated within it. Could've had more Psychogeographical elements. The drawing inspired the photography and created a story about each location.
Katherine- A journey from home to uni, focusing on details through the use of photography. There was a nice style to the images (very close up, shallow focus)
Leanna- Photography piece of the journey of a road that she's travelled down for a long time, focusing on details that she's never seen before.
Ulyssys- Interesting use of stop frame animation of his journey from a train station to his house. I found the sound an interesting addition to the imagery.
Shahid- Interesting use of light writing and imagery of people and places. Interesting use of simple, rough notes of how he was feeling at the time.
Joel- Use of photography and road names/signs to tell a story.
Sahir- Interesting visual piece, through the use of panoramic pictures. Sound could've been added to support the imagery.
Chloe- Great visual piece that was several video pieces cut up.
My Final Piece reactions:
Leah felt the concept was simple, yet effective and people liked the concept and layout of the piece.
Leah felt the concept was simple, yet effective and people liked the concept and layout of the piece.
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