'Create a new C# script.
Create three new public bool variables named: catAsleep, mouseAwake and mouseHide
Set mouseAwake = true
Write the code statements to express the following:
If cat is asleep and mouse is awake then mouse does not need to hide
If cat is not asleep and mouse is awake then mouse needs to hide
If mouse is awake and mouse is hiding then cat is awake
If mouse is not hiding or mouse is asleep then cat is awake'
The code means that when the cat is asleep and the mouse is awake then the mouse is not hiding. Below that the ! means it is false, meaning that if the cat is not asleep and the mouse is awake then the mouse is hiding and so on...
We began setting up our project. We started with a new project and changed the resolution to portrait so that it looked like a web space shooter game.
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