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Friday, 5 February 2016

Since I last shot the Legacy Project shoot for my film back in November, I have been working on building up my contacts, thinking more about the idea of my film and gradually trying to arrange interview dates in February. 


Since November i've been attempting to stay in contact with a few of the ex-members of Iron Maiden so that I could build up a working relationship with them and feel more comfortable when it comes to meeting them in February and filming interviews and other footage. Through email and Facebook, i've able to achieve this, through back and forth responses from the individuals that I am focusing on within my film. Tony Moore, once in Iron Maiden for less than a month, went on to do bigger and brighter things, now hosting his own radio show and performing live with a new and upcoming artist, Ilona. When emailing him he seemed very interested in my project and was happy to meet up and be interviewed in November. Additionally my dad, who was once in a popular blues rock band in the 60s-70s also was interested in being in my film, along with my uncle, Doug Sampson, who was once in Iron Maiden and is recording an album as part of his old band, Airforce, who of which I filmed at the charity event in November. Doug suggested I come along later in the month to the recording studio he's in, in London, and film some of the recording of the compilation album with a few new tracks.

Additionally Buffalo Fish, who I filmed in November and conducted a short interview with, were still interested in being a part of the project, and now I am looking to finalise locations and dates so that I can meet everyone individually and shoot interviews, band practices and so forth. 

Message from Tony Moore, one of the musicians I wanted to originally interview. 

Message from Buffalo fish, who I interviewed back in November, regarding filming in February. 

Concept of my film

The concept of my film has progressed since November, looking more at musicianship and the music industry over solely Iron-Maiden. Here is an updated synopsis of what i'm intending to make: 


My project is a 15-20 minute music documentary film based around four individuals and their experiences within the music industry of the time, expressing their passion for music and the power of musicianship. The film will be 4-5 minute sequences of the different individuals, through the use of interview footage, rehearsals, performances and home footage/photographs. The film will be looking at the music industry through the eras, predominantly the 70s to the present day, presenting a juxtaposition of the eras.

Whats next?

After various tutorials with Anne, I was told to build upon my contacts and start organising interview dates and a schedule. I am hoping to have a tutorial next week so that I can flesh out my idea a bit more and also get her advice as to shooting locations (I have a few in mind). My next step is to put together an organised schedule for the upcoming weeks and officially finalise interview dates for my film, which I am hoping to be between the 24th of November to the 5th of March. I'm pleased with the progress I've made and the progression of my idea into something that I feel is much more unique and interesting than before. I now just need to work upon the contacts I have and finalise certain aspects. 

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